personal stuff


Happy 75th Anniversary, Mt. Sinai!

December 11, 2017
By H.B. Charles Jr.
This past weekend, I was scheduled to fly home to Los Angeles to join the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church in celebrating 75 years of Christian witness and ministry. But flight delays and bad weather prevented me from even leaving Jacksonville. I was greatly disappointed. I was grateful for the invitation to speak at the anniversary banquet and looking forward to the opportunity to preach to the Mt. Sinai family I preached my first sermon at Mt. Sinai, as an 11-year-old boy. I preached every year after that, as an associate minister under my father. Then I preached to the...

My Observations from 2017 SBC in Phoenix

June 15, 2017
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I have just returned from the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Session in Phoenix, Arizona. It was a busy but blessed week. Having preached five times Sunday (a big mistake I do not intend to repeat), I caught a flight to Phoenix through Atlanta. The flight to Atlanta was uneventful. My connection was scheduled to leave Atlanta at 9:35 PM. Because of mechanical difficulties, it did not leave until 3 AM Monday morning. As you can imagine, I spent the rest of the week trying to recover. The SBC Pastors’ Conference kicked off on Sunday evening, led by David Miller. Between...

If You Can Keep From Preaching, Do It!

November 30, 2012
By H.B. Charles Jr.
One day, I had a conversation with a friend who was seeking to discern whether the Lord was calling him to pastoral or pulpit ministry. As he discussed it with me, he noted that he had mentioned this matter to me several times before without comment from me. He was right. I hadn't responded. And I sensed that he was waiting on a response this time. So I prayed an emergency prayer to God about what to say. And what came to my mind is what my father said to me some twenty years ago about whether I should continue...

I Want More Than Four More Years!

November 7, 2012
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Four years ago, a monumental election took place. And right in the middle of the election, the economy collapsed. But I was not paying attention. I had monumental issues going on in my life and ministry that I was preoccupied with. During the summer of 2008, I was engaged in a process that would eventually result in me becoming the Senior-Pastor of the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville. The Wednesday after the election of Barack Obama, my installation services began. I totally forget to mention that the nation had elected its first black president the day before. My guest...

The Neglected Blessing of a Loving Congregation

June 8, 2012
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I was in the middle of a spectacular church fight. It was my first pastorate. I was barely 21. And I had reached my "Popeye" moment. "That's all I can stand, and I can't stands no more!" There were several out-of-town speaking engagements before me. I determined I would resign when I returned him home. I wanted to do something else. I wanted to get married. I wanted out of this foolish conflict with church people. I did not know what I would do next. When asked, I would say that I planned to become a talk show host. But...

A Older Man, Still A Young Preacher

February 11, 2012
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Several months ago, one of our staff pastors shared with me how an older pastor had offended him with unkind words. I tried to encourage him. I don’t remember exactly what I said. But it went something like this: “Don’t worry about it. Older preachers have a way of… us younger preachers.” Staff member’s response: “Did you say, ‘Us young preachers?’” Ouch. He was right. I am not young anymore. Today is my 39th birthday. I have been a pastor for more than 21 years. I have been married to my wife, Crystal, whom I met in high school, for...

Our 13th Wedding Anniversary

December 12, 2011
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Thirteen years ago today I was blessed to marry the love of my life, Crystal. Crystal and I met in high school. Los Angeles High School. Go Romans! I was a senior. She was in the tenth grade. We met in Coach Williams World History Class. We sat next to each other. And every day, Crystal would ask me if I had my homework (probably, so she could cheat). Most times, I had not done my homework, either. I would have let he cheat if I did! I thought Crystal was beautiful. How could I not? But I was not...

Happy First Birthday!!! Hailey Breanne Charles

March 24, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
A year ago today, Crystal, H.B., Natalie, and I headed to an important family appointment at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. It was the day after Easter. But that Monday was the day we had been anticipating - our new baby was to be born. Crystal craved pancakes from The Griddle, Rosco's Chicken and waffles, and KFC hot wings the whole pregnancy. Being the devoted hustband that I am, I joined her. "We" (H.B., in the Greek) are still working off the baby weight. Unlike our first two children, we did not determine a name until days before she was born....

25 Random Things About HBC2

March 10, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
There is a note circulating on Facebook, in which friends ask one another to list twenty-five random things about themselves. I have been “tagged” with these notes. And I have enjoyed reading them. But I had no intention of writing a list myself. But without much deliberation, I opened a new Word document and began to type. Soon a list emerged. Here are twenty-five random things about me: 1.    H.B. is not my initials. That’s my name. For real. My name is H.B. Charles Jr. It’s on my birth certificate, driver’s license, and everything else. My father did it to...

Happy Birthday Natalie!!!

March 4, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Today is my daughter's - Natalie Marie Charles - 7th birthday. I woke up this morning thinking about the moment Natalie was born. And the first time I got to hold her, seeing for the first time the baby I had been singing to for the past six months. If I only knew what I was starting. Now, she is daddy's living "Juke Box" that makes up a song for everything. I am grateful for the privilege of watching Natalie growing up. She is very bright, full of personality, very talented, and extremely beautiful. Crystal and I are very proud...

My First Christmas in Jacksonville

December 27, 2008
By H.B. Charles Jr.
My first Christmas in Jacksonville was very close to what would have taken place if I was still in Los Angeles. Most likely. I was up quite late on Christmas Eve, editing my sermon. I only got a couple of hours sleep. And I was back up, continuing my preparations for my Christmas morning message. H.B. woke up before everyone else. Typical. Once we woke up the women, we prayed, opened a couple of gifts, and then prepared for worship. Our Christmas morning service at Shiloh Church was great. I was surprised by the attendance. And I was really looking...

Happy Birthday Crystal!!!

December 18, 2008
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Today is my wife Crystal's 34th birthday. In the gracious and sovereign providence of God, I have had the privilege of knowing Crystal more than half of her, at this point. And I have had a front-row seat to see her development as a woman, Christian, wife, mother, sister, and friend. Yet she is just as... No. She is even more beautiful now than she was on that first day we met at Los Angeles High School almost twenty years ago. H.B., Natalie, Hailey, and I love you very much. Happy birthday Sunshine!