Text Resources


You Can Trust The Bible | Psalm 119:137-144

September 6, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Psalm 119:137-144 continues the theme of the previous stanza, in which the psalmist magnifies the trustworthiness of God’s word and vows his determination to live by its truth. In verses 131-136, the psalmist focuses on the wonderful nature of God’s word.  In verses 137-144, the psalmist focuses on the righteous character of God’s word.  This section of Psalm 119 is under the heading Tsadhe, the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Every line of this stanza starts with a word that begins with the letter Tsadhe. The first word of this stanza is the most obvious word that would have come to the psalmist that starts with Tsadhe. It is the word tsadek,...

Why Prayer Meetings?

August 30, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. - James 5:16 Over the years, it was said that if you wanted to know how popular a church is, visit it on Sunday morning. If you want to know how popular the preacher is, visit on Sunday nights. But if you want to know how popular Jesus is, visit the church’s prayer meeting.   As time has passed, most churches have abandoned both Sunday night services and prayer meetings. Could...

Embracing God’s Wonderful Word | Psalm 119:129-136

August 29, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
On one occasion, a man told Mark Twain, “I wish I had never read Huckleberry Finn.” Twain, the author of the famous novel, frowned and asked the reason for such a remark. “So that I could have the pleasure again of reading it for the first time,” came the reply. This compliment to Twain’s American classic reminds us why the Bible is better and greater than any other book. Every time you read scripture, it is like reading it for the first time. The word of God is pregnant with truth to be discovered. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged...

A Traitor in The Midst | Mark 14:17-21

August 26, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
On the Ides of March 44 B.C., Julius Caesar was assassinated at a meeting of the Roman senate. Sensing a bad omen, his wife urged him to stay home. Yet he pressed his way to the meeting. Within minutes of his arrival, Caesar was stabbed twenty-three times by senators. The final wounds were inflicted by Marcus Julian Brutus, whom Caesar considered a son. His final words were to Brutus, “You too, child?”   The assassination of Julius Caesar is considered the greatest act of betrayal in history. What Judas did to Jesus is infinitely worse than what Brutus did to Caesar.  Brutus betrayed a tyrant in the making.  Judas betrayed the incarnate Son of...

Praying Your Way Through Mistreatment | Psalm 119:121-128

August 22, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
In A Turtle on a Fencepost, Allan Emery tells of accompanying Ken Hansen to visit an employee who was recovering from an eight-hour surgery. Hansen whispered, “You know, I have had several serious operations. I know the pain of trying to talk. I think I know what questions you’re asking. There are two verses I want to give you – Genesis 43:26 and Romans 8:28. We have the options of these two attitudes. We need the perspective of the latter.” He read the passages, prayed, and left.  Every day, we choose one of two attitudes. To say with Jacob in Genesis 42:36: “All these things are against me.”...

Choosing Right and Rejecting Wrong | Psalm 119:113-120

August 15, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
This fifteenth stanza of Psalm 119 continues the train of thought from the previous section. In verses 105-112, the psalmist expresses his determination to live for God. That is what we find in this section. But there is a slight yet important difference.  The previous section declares his determination to live for God because of.  This present section declares his determination to live for God in spite of.  The writer was threatened, pursued, and harassed. Yet he maintained a steadfast determination to choose the right and to reject the wrong.  The story is told of a man who stood in the streets of Sodom and Gomorra, calling...

Big Lessons from Small Things | Proverbs 30:24-28

August 11, 2024
A family went out to dinner. The waitress greeted them and offered them something to drink to start. The couple’s son blurted out, “I’ll have a cheeseburger and French fries!” His mother leaned over and unsuccessfully whispered that she would order for him and he would not be having a hamburger. When she finished her lecture, the waitress asked him, “Would you like anything else with your hamburger?” “Extra ketchup, please!” he answered. The mother looked at her son and saw his wide eyes and big smile. Then she looked at the waitress and nodded her approval.  Let me qualify. This...

A Determination to Live for God | Psalm 119:105-112

August 9, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
An aspiring musician heard a famous pianist perform. Afterward, the musician said to the maestro, “I would give my life to be able to play like you.” “Young man,” replied the maestro, “I already have.”  Success requires more than good intentions, sincere desires, or noble aspirations. It requires steadfast determination. In family matters, educational pursuits, career development, athletic goals, and other life aims, there is no success without a determination to see it through and reach the goal. It is also the case for followers of Christ. A life devoted to God requires more than holy desires. It requires steadfast determination.  Matthew 16:24 says, “If anyone would come after me, let...

Friend or Foe? | Mark 14:1-11

August 6, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Mark 13 records the Olivet Discourse in which Jesus predicts his Second Coming at the end of the age. Mark 14 abruptly shifts from triumph to suffering. The one who will return in glory will die for the sins of the world. By the end of chapter 15, Jesus will be betrayed, arrested, condemned, crucified, and buried. Mark begins his Passion Narrative in our text. It is a chiastic “sandwich story.” Mark often begins a story, interrupts himself to tell a seemingly unrelated story, and then returns to finish the original story. This is what we find in verses 1-11.  Verses 1-2 records the religious leaders’ plot to kill Jesus.  Verses 3-9 records an unnamed woman’s love for Jesus.  Verses 10-11 records Judas Iscariot’s...

Thanksgiving In Trouble | Psalm 138

July 28, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Prayer is the best way to respond to trouble. Psalm 50:15 says, “Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.” How should you pray when troubles come? Consider how Psalm 138 answers. It is a prayer of thanksgiving. Every prayer should involve and include thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the main ingredient of this prayer of praise.  This psalm of thanksgiving is ascribed to David. We do not know the historical background of this psalm. However, the text gives several clues. Verse 8 says, “I walk in the midst of trouble.” It also mentions “the wrath of my enemies.” As enemies troubled David, he responded by going to God in prayer. But this psalm is not a lamentation or cry for deliverance....

Falling in Love With God’s Word | Psalm 119:97-104

July 26, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Henry Martyn wrote, “I experienced a solemn gladness in learning this MEM part of the 119th Psalm.” Psalm 119:97-104 is a prayer in which the psalmist addresses the Lord in every verse. It is a prayer with no petitions. It is a prayer of devotion: “Oh how I love your law!” He did not say he believed, obeyed, or proclaimed God’s word. He says, “Oh how I love your law.” It is a personal confession: “Oh how I love your law!” It is a present-tense testimony. He did not remember when he loved the word of God. He did not...

Standing on the Rock | Psalm 119:89-96

July 19, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
In the previous three stanzas of Psalm 119, the psalmist is overwhelmed by a fierce storm of affliction. Verses 81-88 is the low point of the psalm. The storm nearly wiped out his faith. In this section, the psalmist is coming through the storm. He is anchored to the sovereignty of God. He is standing on the rock. Verses 89-96 record the psalmist’s faith-filled testimony about the permanence, power, and perfection of God’s word. It is good news for all who trust and obey the word of God. God’s word is a solid rock upon which you can stand. It will not always make sense to...