Being a Special Nobody
Because of his sinful disobedience, the Lord fired Saul as King of Israel. He then sent the prophet, Samuel, to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem, to anoint a new king. Jesse presented to the prophet his sons he thought would make a good king. But when Samuel turned his horn over their heads, the oil of God did not fall on any of them. When Samuel saw one particular son, Eliab, he was convinced he had found his man. Eliab was straight out of central casting. He walked and talked and looked like a king. “Surely, this must...
Jerry Black Interview
Jerry Black is the Pastor of the historic Beulah Missionary Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia, where he has served since 1991. I had the opportunity to interview Jerry Black about his life and ministry. Enjoy! [embed][/embed] Did you find this interview helpful? Join the conversation in the comments section. Related Resources Steve Gaines Interview Donald Parson Interview The Cutting It Straight Expository Preaching Conference will take place September 18-20, 2018, at the Shiloh Church in Jacksonville, Florida. This conference is designed to train, model, and promote biblical teaching and preaching. Register TODAY!!!!
Cutting It Straight 2017 | Christian Education Track
A Guest Post by Dr. Eugene McCormick The goal of this Christian Education Track is to help the church to fulfill the Great Commission of making stronger disciples of Jesus Christ. The track is designed to equip pastors, ministers of education, Sunday School directors and teachers, small group facilitators, or any leader tasked with the responsibility of discipleship development in the church. This year marks the first time that a specific track, dedicated to Christian Education, is being added to the Cutting It Straight Expository Preaching Conference menu. Within this track, under the major theme of “Christian Education Matters,” four...
A Faithful Steward of My Other Pulpit
The pastor lives under a divine charge to preach the word. He does not have the right to proclaim his own message. He is a herald assigned to declare the message of the King. Every pastor has multiple responsibilities. But the pastor’s primary, central, and definitive function is to preach the word of God. A faithful pastor will not compromise the centrality of the pulpit. It is my desire and determination to be a faithful pastor. Therefore, I strive to guard the dignity of the pulpit that has been entrusted to me. How I live, study, and preach are shaped...
Don’t Leave Your Convictions Behind To Get Ahead
I have pastored two churches. I have also been a candidate for two pastoral vacancies during my ministry. I was not a part of the search process of the first church I served. My name was submitted for nomination from the floor during the call meeting. The congregation unexpectedly selected me as its next pastor. I was initially asked to fill the pulpit one Sunday at the church I currently serve. I was later asked to allow my name to be submitted as a pastoral candidate for the church. The church called me to be its pastor several months later....
Give Mark a Minute!
I have always wanted to preach a sermon or teach a lesson entitled, “Give Mark a Minute!” Do you know who John Mark is? John Mark assisted Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey (Acts 12:25; 13:5). At some point, however, John Mark left the team and returned to Jerusalem (13:13-14). The gospel work continued without him. As Paul and Barnabas prepared for their second missionary journey, Barnabas proposed they bring John Mark. Paul flatly refused. John Mark had gone AWOL the last time. Paul saw no benefit in bringing this ministerial deserter with them again. Disagreement over John...
The Bottom Line of Christian Ministry
In the business world, the bottom line is the last line of a financial statement that shows profit and loss. It is about whether the company is earning or losing money. And, as they say, the bottom line is the bottom line. Every field of life and labor has a bottom line. In business, it is making money, earning profits, and increasing revenue. In education, it is passing tests, making grades, or earning a degree. In sports, it is winning games, awards, and championships. Everything has a bottom line. What is the bottom line of Christian ministry? You would think...
Help, I’m An Associate Minister!
Going directly from a call to preach to leading a church is extremely rare. Good! Preachers need the maturation that comes from serving with or under another pastor, before leading their own congregation. Yet many associate ministers wish they could just skip this process. Pastors treat associates as flunkies. Congregations neglect the vital role associate ministers play. Members view associates as step-parents, substitute teachers, or “garbage-time” bench riders. It can be discouraging. But it doesn’t have to be. Your time as an associate minister can be an affirmation of your ministerial call, a time of spiritual development, and a fruitful...
God’s Cause
Sovereign God, Thy cause, not my own, engages my heart, and I appeal to thee with greatest freedom To set up thy kingdom in every place where Satan reigns; Glorify thyself and I shall rejoice, for to bring honor to thy name is my sole desire. I adore thee that thou art God, and long that others should know it, feel it, and rejoice in it. O that all men might love and praise thee, that thou mightest have all the glory from the intelligent world!Let sinners be brought to thee for thy dear name! To the eye of reason...
On Being A Servant God
As we begin this new year, I will begin recommending a Book of the Month for our congregation to read, which we will also make available to our members in our church's resource center. I was considering which book to start with, and in a conversation with our deacon chairman, he mentioned a book that the deacons read in training: On Being A Servant of God by Warren W. Wiersbe. And as soon as he mentioned it, I had my book for January. This book is also a good work for us to read this month as we are gearing...