Cutting It Straight 2017 | Christian Education Track

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  • Cutting It Straight 2017 | Christian Education Track
  • A Guest Post by Dr. Eugene McCormick

    The goal of this Christian Education Track is to help the church to fulfill the Great Commission of making stronger disciples of Jesus Christ.  The track is designed to equip pastors, ministers of education, Sunday School directors and teachers, small group facilitators, or any leader tasked with the responsibility of discipleship development in the church.

    This year marks the first time that a specific track, dedicated to Christian Education, is being added to the Cutting It Straight Expository Preaching Conference menu.   Within this track, under the major theme of “Christian Education Matters,” four (4) primary aspects that are elementary to the successful accomplishment of this ministry in the life of the church will be set forth for all pastors and Christian educators to grasp.  These areas are:

    • Teaching Matters
    • Sunday School Matters   
    • Groups Matter
    • Discipleship Matters

    Josh Hunt, presenter of the Teaching Matters Track, will be addressing ways in which those who teach God’s Word can be effective in making disciples and effecting transformational and life change in the lives of learners, by utilizing many of the ways that Jesus used as He ministered to others.

    Allan Taylor, presenter of the Sunday School Matters Track, will be addressing the primary reasons why the Sunday School is still one of the best strategies for making disciples in the local church, and how the leadership of the church plays a vital role in the success of the Sunday School ministry.

    Bruce Raley, presenter of the Groups Matter Track, will be addressing the strategies of how to move a Sunday School class from one that simply meets together to one that functions as a group that exercises love, care, and accountability through discipleship relationships.

    Greg Ogden, presenter of the Discipleship Matters Track, will be addressing the mission of the church in making disciples, observing the manner in which Christ went about that mission with the Twelve, and sharing a step-by-step process of how to form and sustain a viable  disciple-making ministry in the church.

    As the host of the track, I will be presenting on the overall theme of Christian Education Matters.  In this track we will discuss why every church needs a minister of education, the importance of the pastor and minister of education working together as a team, and the overall view of the future of Christian education in the church.

    My prayer is that each pastor and Christian educator will avail themselves to participate in the general sessions and breakout classes associated with this track.  They will richly bless your life, and send you away from this conference on a new trajectory in ministry and service for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! To Register for Cutting It Straight 2017 CLICK HERE





    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.