Hailey Breanne


Happy Birthday Hailey!!!

March 24, 2012
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Today is my baby daughter’s – Hailey Breanne Charles – fourth birthday. I use the word “baby” for my own sake. She is not a baby anymore. Ask her, and she will quickly tell you that she is a big girl. But, of course, she will always be daddy’s baby. I begged for Hailey. Literally, begged. More specifically, I wanted another son. But I could not be more happy to have this been given a precious little girl. Hailey is Crystal. So is Natalie. But while Natalie has more of my personality, Hailey is Crystal. On steroids! But this is...

A Picture of Hailey on Her 1st Birthday

April 7, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Crystal took Hailey to take pictures on her first birthday, which was on March 24. I saw the picture again this morning, and thought I would share. So here it is: Crystal's second Mini-Me.

Happy First Birthday!!! Hailey Breanne Charles

March 24, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
A year ago today, Crystal, H.B., Natalie, and I headed to an important family appointment at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. It was the day after Easter. But that Monday was the day we had been anticipating - our new baby was to be born. Crystal craved pancakes from The Griddle, Rosco's Chicken and waffles, and KFC hot wings the whole pregnancy. Being the devoted hustband that I am, I joined her. "We" (H.B., in the Greek) are still working off the baby weight. Unlike our first two children, we did not determine a name until days before she was born....

Pictures of Hailey Breanne

April 2, 2008
By H.B. Charles Jr.
We finally got some pictures of Hailey with her eyes open. It's as if she knows we have been trying to take pictures of her. And she kept closing her eyes every time we tried to capture her. Wow! A diva that doesn't like the paparazzi. Go figure. But we finally got her. So for "We the members of MSMBC..." (still funny), meet your newest member: Hailey Breanne Charles

Introducing Miss H.B. Charles

March 25, 2008
By H.B. Charles Jr.
There is a new addition to the Charles family!!! Crystal gave birth yesterday (3/24) to our new daughter at 3:14 pm. She is a little early, but both Crystal and the baby are doing fine. She was born at 7 pounds and 3 ounces, 20 and 1/2 inches. She looks like... Well, we're not sure who see looks like yet. The process went smoothly, with no complications. Praise God! As Crystal was still in surgery, I laid the baby on her chest. And she began to lick Crystal's face.She was not out of the womb two hours before she found...