Notes from Sunday 2013


Notes from Sunday – 02/03/13

February 4, 2013
By H.B. Charles Jr.
It was a great, long weekend. Saturday morning, we had our 33 Series Men’s Bible Study, corporate prayer meeting, and New Members Class. Our Bible Study Fellowship groups began a new semester yesterday. I resumed my study of 1 Timothy. I taught on the spiritual qualifications for elders in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Some things never change, as I did not finish the lesson. Part 2 next Sunday. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper and welcomed in our new members. I was good to have our guests in worship. I continued my new series called, “Family Matters.” I preached a message that I...

Notes from Sunday – 1/27/13

January 27, 2013
By H.B. Charles Jr.
It has been a long, blessed weekend. We kicked off a new session of the 33 Series mens' Bible study Saturday morning. We got off to a good start. Looking forward to the next 5 weeks. The 2013 JAX Pastors Conference was fantastic. I really needed David Jeremiah's message on the Prodigal Son. Dr. Al Mohler's message on heaven was phenomenal as well, and it was great to hear Dr. Fred Luther Dr. Brunson graciously invited me to speak Saturday afternoon, I am grateful for the honor. Thankful to Trey Brunson and the entire First Baptist staff as well for...

Notes from Sunday – 1/20/13

January 20, 2013
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Today concluded our 2013 Prayer Emphasis Week at Shiloh. It has been a rich week. We prayed for daily targets this week. There were daily prayer meetings at noon. And we had all-night prayer meeting Friday night. Thanks to staff and volunteers for the labor and sacrifice this week. You make it happen! Glad to have all of our guests in worship today. Shout-out to our music department. You did a great job today! I preached from Romans 10:1-4 about "Praying for the Lost." Sermon Point: The most important thing you can pray for someone is that he or she may...

Notes from Sunday – 1/13/13

January 14, 2013
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Today we began our 2013 Prayer Emphasis Week at the Shiloh Church. You can download our PEW13 prayer guide here. Each day this week, there will be a one-hour prayer meeting at noon at Shiloh. We will have an all-night prayer meeting Friday night to Saturday morning. We baptized three persons today – two men and one woman. Praise God! As always, it was good to have our guests in worship today. Our children’s choir sung today. Cool. The special music before the message today was a solo of “Is Your All On the Alter?” What a blessing! I preached...