

Dennis C. Jones Interview

July 18, 2018
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I met Dennis Jones some years ago, as we preached a citywide revival together. We enjoyed one another's company so much, we concluded that we must be cousins! And that is what we have called one another since then. Pastor Dennis Jones is a native of Louisiana. But for the past two decades (since 1998), he has led the Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. He also leads the foreign missions work for the National Baptist Convention of America. Johns is passionate about gospel of Christ, biblical preaching, and the local church. And he is used of the Lord...

Notes from Sunday – 11/29/09

November 30, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
We emphasize world missions and local outreach on fifth Sundays at Shiloh. Praise God for those who set aside a gift to share toward our mission and outreach efforts. A big “shout out” (see, I can be hip, too) to Henry Meyers for sharing with us today about the work of Mission Harvest America. Our Sunday morning Bible Study Fellowship groups are studying through The Fundamentals of the Faith workbook (produced by Grace Community Church in Southern California and published by Moody). I am encouraged by the reports I am receiving of how our members are learning and growing. 3...

Embracing God’s Mission For Your Life

November 30, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Psalm 67 is not as well known as some of the other psalms more famous psalms. But prominence and significance do not often walk together hand-in-hand. Such is the case with Psalm 67. Even though it is somewhat obscure, Psalm 67 has an important message that can change your life and change the world. The message is that the Lord God desires to use your life to reach the world for his glory. Psalm 67 is considered THE MISSIONARY PSALM, because of the emphasis it places on God being known, praised, enjoyed, and feared by all the nations. In fact,...