John MacArthur
Every Pastor is a Translator
It was my first extended vacation from the first church I served. I really didn't want to take the time off. But, wisely, the men insisted. With my first Sunday off, I decided to visit Grace Community Church to hear Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. I would often attend the Sunday evening service at Grace. But I had never been there on a Sunday morning. That morning, Dr. MacArthur was preaching about the family. The conclusions he drew from the scriptures affirmed convictions I already held. However, for some reason, I became angry as I listened to the message. I felt...
Thank God for Dr. John F. MacArthur, Jr.
I am happy. I came home from work, there was a package on the porch waiting for me. I knew what it was. And I had been waiting on it. It was my copy of the new biography written by Iain Murray and published by Banner of Truth: “John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock.” I was introduced to the ministry of John F. MacArthur Jr. early in my pastoral ministry. I was being confronted with claims of Charismatic experiences in my congregation. And I needed a better understanding of the matter. Somehow – I think it was through...
Two Special Days with the Master’s College and Seminary Family
This past Monday and Tuesday, I had the rare and special opportunity to speak in the chapel services at The Master's College and the Master's Seminary in Southern California.I was invited to speak at the Master's College last year. But my move to Jacksonville forced me to cancel the engagement. And I concluded that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I would never have again. But I was graciously extended another invitation to come. And I was extremely grateful.Monday, I spoke in the chapel service at the college. It was the beginning of their Outreach Week. It...
Unafraid to Preach
The modern obsession with "user-friendly" ministry has stoked the fear of preaching into a pervasive phobia. Seminaries these days train men to be storytellers, entertainers, and motivational speakers - and discourage them from dealing with profound of difficult theological concepts from the pulpit. Suddenly "too much Scripture" is deemed a greater homiletical faux pas than a whole sermon with no reference to Scripture whatsoever! Seriously, in some circles it is perfectly acceptable to give a motivational lecture of comedy routine practically devoid of any biblical content, but a verse-by-verse exposition of Scripture would automatically be deemed too weighty and (this...
Free Downloads of John MacArthur Sermons!!!
Grace to You, the radio and television teaching ministry of John F. MacArthur Jr., Pastor-Teacher of the Grace Community Church in Sun Valley (CA) has recently taken a great step of faith and generosity by posting all of the sermons of John MacArthur for free download. Yes. You read the previous sentence correctly. John MacArthur sermons. Available online for download. Free! I can't believe it. Praise God that the teachings of one of the great expository preachers/teachers of our generation will be available in this way to be a blessing to some many people. Click HERE to get to the...
On Preaching and Clock-Watching
There was a time when churches placed clocks and bells in the steeples of their buildings, and they would "ring the alarm" for the community when it was time for corporate worship or prayer. Now churches place clocks on the back wall to make sure the pastor does not preach too long. After all, there are many other edifying things people need to do Sundays, aren't there? They do not need to be in worship so long that it interrupts the other important plans for they day that they have made, do they? During the days of the Puritans, the...