

The King of the Jews

May 20, 2015
By H.B. Charles Jr.
The King of the Jews  John 18 begins with the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. It ends with his interrogation before the Roman governor, Pilate. At this point, Jesus had already been questioned by Annas, the father-in-law of the high priest (vv. 19-23) and the high priest him, Caiaphas (vv. 24-27). Now Pilate will question Jesus about his true identity. This deposition by Pilate gives further evidence that Jesus is the King of the Jews, the fulfillment of Old Testament messianic prophesies. What does this text teach us about the kingdom of Jesus? I.  The kingdom of Jesus is established...

“I Was Blind, But Now I See!”

April 15, 2015
By H.B. Charles Jr.
“I Was Blind, But Now I See!” John 9:1 says Jesus was passing by and saw a man blind from birth. Jesus is still passing by. And he still sees those who cannot see him! We have been blinded by sin. We have been blind since birth (Psalm 51:5). But Jesus is able to open the eyes of the blind! The miraculous healing of this blind man in John 9 teaches us that those who do not believe in Jesus are the ones who are truly blind (vv. 18-42)! John 9:1-17 records the good news that Jesus is able to...

A Spiritual House Cleaning

March 30, 2015
By H.B. Charles Jr.
A Spiritual House Cleaning It was the time of the Passover. Jerusalem was filled with throngs of pilgrims who had come to remember and celebrate how the Lord delivered the children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Jesus and his disciples were also in town. And when Jesus saw what was taking place in the temple, he cleaned house. Whenever religious machinery gets in the way of spiritual purpose, it’s time for a spiritual house cleaning. This record of Jesus cleansing the temple was a sign to believers and a sign to unbelievers. I.  A sign to believers (John 2:13-17)...

When A Sinner Meets Jesus

March 23, 2015
By H.B. Charles Jr.
When A Sinner Meets Jesus Jesus was on his way to Galilee (v. 3). But he had to pass through Samaria (v. 4). It was not a geographic necessity. Jews often took the long way to Galilee, to avoid passing through Samaria. But it was spiritually necessary for Jesus to pass through Samaria. He had a meeting with a sinner at Jacob’s well. She arrived by herself, having come after the other women were gone. She did not want to encounter the looks and whispers. But while she avoided others, Christ went out of his way to meet her. Jesus...

Commit Your Work to the Lord

January 14, 2015
By H.B. Charles Jr.
For several months, I have read a chapter of Proverbs daily. I have read Proverbs countless times over the years. But it has come alive for me in fresh and new ways recently. One proverb I have meditated a great deal on is Proverbs 16:3… Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs are not guaranteed promises. They are practical wisdom for a godly and peaceful life. It may not be wise to read them as a principle and promise. It is more like a cause-and-effect. There is a choice and a consequence. You make...