Welcome to The On Preaching Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you to preach faithfully, clearly, and better.

The three laws of real estate are location, location, location. Similarly, the three laws of proper Bible interpretation are context, context, context. A text without a context is a pretext.
Context in biblical interpretation falls into two categories: historical context and literary context. In this episode, H.B. discusses how to read with an eye toward the literary context.
Here are the seven circles of context you should consider…
The Sermon Text. Start with the unit of thought you have selected to study and preach. Read the text in an effort to understand the context and intent of the passage.
The Literary Genre. The Bible consists of multiple and various styles of writing. Identify what type of genre your text is and and factor the associated rules of interpretation.
The Immediate Context. Ask what is happening or being said immediately before and after your sermon text. Strive to understand how your passage fits in the progression of the text.
The Book Section. What is the structure or outline of the book you are studying? What section of the book does your text fit into? Factor the book section into your text study.
The Bible Book. Read the book, not just your text. Get a sense of the book’s vital statistics. Introduce yourself to the author, themes, occasion, purpose, and structure of the book.
The Testament. In the Old Testament, God makes salvation promises. In the New Testament, God fulfills his salvation promises. What side of that gospel storyline is your text in?
The Biblical Message. The Bible tells one grand story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. In what way does your text contribute to the unfolding message of salvation?
BOOK RECOMMENDATION: 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching by Wayne McDill
- On Preaching by H.B. Charles Jr.
- On Pastoring by H.B. Charles Jr.
- On Worship by H.B. Charles Jr.
- It Happens After Prayer by H.B. Charles Jr.
- The Difference Jesus Makes by H.B. Charles Jr.
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