the Foremost Responsibility

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  • the Foremost Responsibility
  • Biblical preaching must always occupy the leading place of influence in the life of any church. At the core of any healthy congregation is a vibrant exposition of God’s Word. Unfortunately, though, many pastors are turning away from the central role of expository preaching and doctrinal teaching. But in so doing, they fail to realize that new converts, first and foremost, need to be taught God’s truth. As a result, many other things are competing with – and even replacing – the primary role of biblical preaching in the church. Christian concerts, drama, pageants, festivals, musical, talk shows, and religious movies are establishing a greater foothold in the life of the contemporary church. Some of these activities may have a place in the church, but they must never compete with nor overshadow the Spirit-energized proclamation of God’s Word within a church. – Steven J. Lawson, Famine in the Land, p. 33


    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.