#111: Time Needed to be an Effective Preacher [PODCAST]

Welcome to The On Preaching Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you preach faithfully, clearly, and better.

In this episode of the podcast, I want to talk to you about the time you need to be an effective preacher. Sermon preparation is hard work. Hard work takes time. Time-management requirements

What time is needed to be an effective preacher?

  1. Time to read.
  2. Time to think.
  3. Time to write.
  4. Time to pray.
  5. Time to rest.

What do you think? Join the conversation in the comments section.

“Sermon preparation is hard work. Hard work takes time. Time-management requires personal discipline.” – H.B. Charles Jr.


If you have an idea for a podcast episode, a question to ask, or any feedback from what you have heard or read in this episode, leave a message in the comments section.