Speaking Engagements


Speaking @ Good Shepherd in Petersburg

December 2, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am on my way home this morning from Petersburg, VA - near Richmond. I spoke last night night at the closing service of the Fall Family Fellowship for Pastor Jeffrey L. Reaves, Sr. and the Good Shepherd Baptist Church. The Lord is doing a great work in and through Good Shepherd. Several years ago, Pastor Reaves led the congregation in a relocation process. And they are using their new campus to make a real difference in their community and beyond for Jesus' sake. It was an honor to have been invited to minister the word to this great congregation....

Speaking @ Calvary B.C in Baltimore

October 14, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am in Baltimore, Maryland. I am participating in their Simultaneous Revival. I am speaking for Pastor Stephen Russell at the Calvary Baptist Church. This afternoon, I spoke during the noon mass service. The Lord blessed the meeting. And I was able to see several of my friends from around country. This evening, I had the opportunity to minister to the Calvary Church. It was also a good meeting. Please remember this citywide gospel effort in your prayers.

Two Special Days with the Master’s College and Seminary Family

October 10, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
This past Monday and Tuesday, I had the rare and special opportunity to speak in the chapel services at The Master's College and the Master's Seminary in Southern California.I was invited to speak at the Master's College last year. But my move to Jacksonville forced me to cancel the engagement. And I concluded that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I would never have again. But I was graciously extended another invitation to come. And I was extremely grateful.Monday, I spoke in the chapel service at the college. It was the beginning of their Outreach Week. It...

Notes from Sunday – 09/27/09

September 28, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I was in Chicago yesterday to preach the 5th pastoral anniversary services for Pastor Romell Williams and the Lilydale Progressive Missionary Baptist Church. Romell and I have been friends for some time. I preached for his installation services six years ago. And have preached every year since then, last year being the exception. The day of his anniversary last year was my first Sunday as pastor of Shiloh. He graciously understood. Not every did when my schedule abruptly changed. It was a honor to be invited to be a part of this celebration again. It was good to be with...

A Good Meeting at a Familiar Place

September 24, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
The past three nights, I have had a great privilege of preaching for Pastor George Hurtt and the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church. As I said to the congregation, of the many undeserved honors that have been graciously bestowed upon me, I do not know if there are any that are comparable or as special to me as the invitation to minister again to the church in which I grew up, met Christ, began my ministry, and served as pastor for many years. George Hurtt is my friend and brother, not just my successor. And I praise God for all...

Speaking @ Mt. Sinai in Los Angeles

September 21, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am on my way to Los Angeles to speak for three night at the Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, where George Hurtt is the pastor. Yesterday, the Mt. Sinai congregation celebrated its 67th church anniversary. My brother, Kevin Willis, who pastors the New Life in Christ Church in Mississippi, was their guest speaker. The celebration continues tonight with three nights of worship and the ministry of the word. I am honored to have been excited by Pastor Hurtt to be the guest speaker for this meeting. Pastor Hurtt is one of my best friends. And Mt. Sinai is the...

Speaking @ the E.K. Bailey Expository Preaching Conference 2009

July 6, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Two dramatic events took place in my life in February of 1990. First of all, I turned eighteen-years-old. My birthday was on a Monday. And by the end of that very week, I was moving into my first apartment. It was one in a series of events in which the Lord was forcing me to grow up quickly. During that same month, I hosted our first revival at Mt. Sinai Church, where I been the pastor for three months. My guest speaker wanted to go to Mt. Moriah that Tuesday to here Dr. E.K. Bailey. I had heard of Dr....

Speaking @ the Buffalo Citywide Revival

May 14, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am in Buffalo, New York. I am preaching the citywide revival hosted by the local Baptist Minister's Conference. President Daniels extended the invitation to me, after hearing me preach the Faith Seminary graduation at the WHW Expository Preaching Conference in Los Angeles some years ago. Isn't amazing how God works through us even when we have no idea what he is doing and who he is touching? The first three days have been great meetings. One of the local pastors, Pastor Blackburn, has been lecturing each night on saving our youth. There has also been a citywide mass choir...

Speaking @ First Baptist Church on Mandarin

May 5, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Dr. Gary Williams is hosting a church institute May 5-7 at the First Baptist Church of Mandarin, a suburb of Jacksonville. And he has graciously invited me to be the keynote speaker for the opening session tonight. I am scheduled to speak at 7:30 PM. And the service is open to all. Please remember tonight's meeting in your prayers, as I stand to preach the word. And remember this entire institute in your prayers.

Speaking @ the 2009 OKC Simultaneous Revival

April 16, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am in Oklahoma City, preaching a revival for Dr. John A. Reed Jr. and the Fairview Missionary Baptist Church. I started Tuesday night. And I am scheduled to preach through Friday night. My father preached this meeting for Dr. Reed for many years. After his death, Pastor Reed invited me to do this meeting for him. The year was 1990. I was 17 years old. And I have preached this meeting the week after Easter every since then, except for three years. Last year, I was unable to come because Hailey was born the day after Easter. Pop "fired"...

Speaking @ the Little Rock Simultaneous Revival

March 18, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am preparing to leave Little Rock, Arkansas. It was my great privilege to preach the opening message of the Little Rock Simultaneous Revival last night. This is the third year of this revival. And there are at least twelve actively participating churches this year. Under the direction of Pastor Dwight Townsend and his committee, this revival is growing and is rapidly becoming one of the key events in the Little Rock church community. Beginning tonight through Friday, each participating church will be in revival at 7 PM. At noon, all the churches will meet together and one of the...

Speaking @ the African American Leadership Workshop in Houston

March 14, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am in Houston, Texas. I arrived yesterday to speak for the African American Leadership Workshop, sponsored by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Dr. Charlie Singleton is the coordinator. There are classes on various aspects of local church ministry, like children and youth ministry, Sunday school, prayer, worship and arts, women's ministry, and technology ministry. Last night, I attended the workshop for pastors and preachers, led by Dr. Cleophus LaRue. He was excellent. I arrived late. But as soon as I sat down, I was engrossed with the lecture. It took me twenty minutes to identify that their were...