Psalm 119


Falling in Love With God’s Word | Psalm 119:97-104

July 26, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Henry Martyn wrote, “I experienced a solemn gladness in learning this MEM part of the 119th Psalm.” Psalm 119:97-104 is a prayer in which the psalmist addresses the Lord in every verse. It is a prayer with no petitions. It is a prayer of devotion: “Oh how I love your law!” He did not say he believed, obeyed, or proclaimed God’s word. He says, “Oh how I love your law.” It is a personal confession: “Oh how I love your law!” It is a present-tense testimony. He did not remember when he loved the word of God. He did not...

Teach Me | Psalm 119:33-40

May 23, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
In Psalm 51:5, David confesses, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” David’s testimony is our testimony. We are sinners – by nature, birth, inclination, choice, and conduct. Romans 3:10-12 says: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” We do not need anyone to teach us to sin. Having children proves this truth. You do not have to train a child to lie, cheat, or steal. At birth, babies are hardwired to do wrong. So is every one of us. William Beveridge wrote: I cannot pray,...

Up From The Dust | Psalm 119:25-32

May 16, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
The previous section of Psalm 119 ends in verse 24 with a testimony of joy: “Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” This section begins in verse 25 with a prayer of lamentation, “My soul clings to the dust; give me life according to your word!”  This sudden and extreme change of mood reminds us that one who lives by God’s word will face joy and pain, happiness and sorrow, celebration and grief. This abrupt shift further reveals that seasons of depression often follow seasons of delight. Times of weakness often follow times of strength. The experience of defeat often follows the experience of victory.  Andrew Bonner wrote: “We must be as watchful after the victory as before the battle.” It...

Sustaining Grace in God’s Word | Psalm 119:17-24

May 9, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Psalm 119 celebrates the sufficiency of God’s word for every season of life.  Verses 1-8 affirm the sufficiency of God’s word to bless us.  Verses 9-16 affirm the sufficiency of God’s word to cleanse us.  Verses 17-24 affirm the sufficiency of God’s word to sustain us.  This third stanza marks a transition in Psalm 119. It is the first time the psalmist acknowledges devotion to God’s word does not vaccinate you from difficult circumstances. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus says, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and...

How to Clean Up Your Life | Psalm 119:9-16

May 1, 2024
By H.B. Charles Jr.
The second stanza of Psalm 119 begins with an important question: “How can a young man keep his way pure?” This question has led some to speculate the author of Psalm 119 was a young man. But the tone, content, and structure of this psalm point to one who has length of days, depth of maturity, and breadth of experience with God. Most likely, the author was an older man who wrote this psalm to teach young men to trust and obey God’s word. Verse 9 asks a relevant question for the young and old. This question assumes the depravity of man. It assumes young men are not naturally good, pure, or clean. It assumes the absence of internal discipline and the presence of external pressures that corrupt...

Teach Me!

October 31, 2019
By H.B. Charles Jr.
  David confessed, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” (Psalm 51:5). This sin problem is not David’s dilemma alone. Every one of us shares this sad testimony. We are all sinners – by nature, birth, inclination, choice, and conduct. Paul indicts us all: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one” (Romans 3:10-12). Consequently, we do not need anyone to teach us how to sin. If you don’t believe...

Reaching the End of Psalm 119

May 27, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Tonight, in our Midweek Worship Service at Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church, I plan to conclude my exposition of the longest passage in the Bible – Psalm 119.I began preaching through Psalm 119, stanza by stanza (or eight verses at a time), last September. I had not yet moved from Los Angeles. But I was traveling to Jacksonville to preach the Wednesday night services.It is easier for me to prepare to preach when I am working through one extended passage of scripture. Moreover, I believe sequential exposition is the most faithful way to preach the word of God. And I knew...

Emperor Maurice’s Comfort in Psalm 119:137

April 23, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
There is an illustration from the life of Maurice, a Roman emperor, who found comfort from Psalm 119:137 in an unbelievable crisis. In the preaching moment last night, I passed right by this illustration. And by the time I recognized it, I was too far ahead to go back to get it. But I have been enriched and encouraged by this story and want to share it anyway. During the 20 years he ruled the Roman Empire, he had shown virtues, marking him out to succeed Tiberius II. But the army turned against him and in 602 he fled, wit...

Praying with Confidence in God (Psalm 119:73-80)

December 4, 2008
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Last night we resumed our midweek worship service after the Thanksgiving holiday. And I continued our study of Psalm 119. Last night's text was the tenth stanza of the psalm (there are 22 in all). Last night was the best I have felt physically in the pulpit in two weeks or more. I think I have finally beat this cold. Praise God! I just hope now that I did not give it to the kids. Here is the sermon skeleton from last night's message: Title: "Praying with Confidence in God's Word" Text: Psalm 119:73-80Theme: Praying with confidence in God's word...

Why Psalm 119?

September 17, 2008
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I am on my way to Jacksonville to preach the midweek worship service at Shiloh Church . God willing, I will begin a series of messages tonight on the Mt. Everest of the Psalms - Psalm 119. My plan is to preach through the 176 verses of this psalm stanza by stanza (or 8 verses at a time). I preached through Psalm 119 a couple of years ago at MSMBC, during our midweek services. And my faith and ministry were greatly enriched by the personal study and public teaching of this wonderful celebration of God's supernatural word. And I have...

My Sermon Skeleton on Psalm 119:1-8

January 19, 2006
By H.B. Charles Jr.
This is the "Sermon Skeleton" of the opening message on Psalm 119 I preached last night in our Midweek Worship Service.Title: "Living by the Book"Text: Psalm 119:1-8Theme: The blessedness of devotion to the word of GodPoint: The word of God is totally sufficient to meet every spiritual need in your lifeOutline:I. The Delight of Living by the Book (119:1-3)A. God blesses sincere devotion to his word (v. 1)B. God blessed steadfast devotion to his word (v. 2-3)II. The Duty of Living by the Book (119:4-6)Verses 4-6 gives us three ways to develop and maintain a life of obedience to God's...

Helpful Resources on Psalm 119

January 18, 2006
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Here are some Bible study works that I have found helpful in my study of Psalm 119:1. Living by the Book by James Montgomery Boice - This is a book developed from the late Dr. Boice's expository messages through the book of Psalms. The same material is found in the third volume of Boice's commentary on the psalms.2. A Guide to the Psalms by W. Graham Scroggie - Helpful introductory material on Psalm 119. Scroggie's expositions of the psalms are consistently helpful.3. The Treasury of David (Vol. 3) by Charles Haddon Spurgeon - This is a part of CHS's classic...