

An Evangelical Statement on Marriage: Here We Stand

June 26, 2015
By H.B. Charles Jr.
The following statement is found at the Southern Baptist Conventions' Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission website, where you can find other Christian resources in response to the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. I fully affirm and joyfully signed this statement. Please consider the following my personal and official response to the SCOTUS ruling.  As evangelical Christians, we dissent from the court’s ruling that redefines marriage. The state did not create the family, and should not try to recreate the family in its own image. We will not capitulate on marriage because biblical authority requires that we cannot. The outcome of...

Is Domestic Abuse Grounds For Divorce?

February 25, 2013
By H.B. Charles Jr.
I recently preached a message on the biblical grounds for divorce. This is not a subject where all agree. But I read the scriptures to teach two circumstances in which God permits divorce: God permits divorce when sexual immorality has been committed (Matt. 5:32; 19:9). God permits divorce when a believer is deserted by an unbelieving spouse (1 Cor. 7:15-16). These are the only grounds scripture gives for divorce. And, as it relates to sexual immorality, I believe that we should view this as unrepentant sinful behavior, not just a single act. If a believer divorces outside of these grounds,...

The Top 10 Ways to Predict a Problem Marriage

October 30, 2012
By H.B. Charles Jr.
1. Getting married to spite someone else 2. Getting married without listening to the advice of your family and friends 3. Getting married to someone who practices a different faith 4. Getting married with concerns and/or questions you are afraid to discuss with your potential mate 5. Getting married with things you are hiding that you plan to tell your mate after you have tied the knot 6. Getting married on the rebound, within months of a painful breakup in a previous relationship 7. Getting married just because you want to get out of your parents’ house and out on...

Our 13th Wedding Anniversary

December 12, 2011
By H.B. Charles Jr.
Thirteen years ago today I was blessed to marry the love of my life, Crystal. Crystal and I met in high school. Los Angeles High School. Go Romans! I was a senior. She was in the tenth grade. We met in Coach Williams World History Class. We sat next to each other. And every day, Crystal would ask me if I had my homework (probably, so she could cheat). Most times, I had not done my homework, either. I would have let he cheat if I did! I thought Crystal was beautiful. How could I not? But I was not...