H.B. Charles Sr.


Remember H.B. Charles Sr. (Father’s Day 2011)

June 19, 2011
By H.B. Charles Jr.
It has been a long weekend for me. And I am not just talking about my hectic schedule over the past several days. I am referring to my consuming thoughts about my father. My father was funeralized Father’s Day weekend, 1989 – twenty-two years ago. I trust I will see my father again in glory. This is a comforting assurance for me. Yet there are still times when I still grieve his passing. It happened to me again this weekend. I think being at my grandmother’s funeral this week did it to me. There was a slide show at the...

Remember my Dad on Father’s Day

June 20, 2010
By H.B. Charles Jr.
My Father passed away Father’s Day weekend, 1989 – twenty-one years ago. I was 16-years-old. I remember that day like it was just yesterday. I was young. But I think I understood what was going on. I prayed that I would be able to at least say goodbye to my day. That did not happen. But I was not angry with God at all. I did not know what was going to happen next in my life without my father. But I was not really worried. I was numb with grief. But I was also grateful. Very grateful. I was...

An Old Picture of My Dad

July 25, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
From Left to right: Unidentified, W.P. Carter, Gardner C. Taylor, H.B. Charles, Sr., Lawrence A. Felix, Sr., Horace N. MaysThan you Professor Paul Felix for sharing this picture of our fathers with me.

My First’s Father’s Day Sermon

June 26, 2009
By H.B. Charles Jr.
June 17, 1989. It was a Saturday. I flew home from Detroit to Los Angeles, after preaching a youth revival all week. As I was in the air, the Lord called my father from earth to glory. When I finally arrived home, it was crowded with people. Mercifully, several of my friends picked me up and got me out of the house for several hours. I really needed it. When I returned home, several leaders of the church my father had pastored for forty years were there. They were waiting to talk to me. They asked me to preach the...