#168 | A System of Sermon Preparation

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  • #168 | A System of Sermon Preparation
  • Welcome to The On Preaching Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you to preach faithfully, clearly, and better.

    In this episode, H.B. discusses a system of sermon preparation. Although the principles of sermon preparation are common, each preacher must develop, practice, and refine his own process for moving from text to sermon. 

    What does a system of sermon preparation involve? 

    Study the text. This is the primary word work you should do in sermon preparation. Ask strategic questions of the text. Then seek scriptural answers to your questions, as you carefully read the text.

    Consult the resources. This is the secondary reading you should do, including Bible translations, word studies, contextual material (literary and historical), commentaries, and theological works.

    Craft the sermon. Just because you understand the text does not mean you have a message to preach. Craft the sermon by writing the four sentences (Episode #160) and your sermon skeleton.

    Write the manuscript. I think one of the best things you can do to improve your preaching is to write complete sermon manuscripts each week. Write for accuracy, clarity, and persuasion.

    Internalize the message. After you have finished the sermon, spend some time familiarizing yourself with the message by reading it repeatedly, praying over it sincerely, and marking it up strategically.


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      H.B. Charles Jr.

      Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.