#166 | Bible Reading for Sermon Preparation [PODCAST]

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  • #166 | Bible Reading for Sermon Preparation [PODCAST]
  • Welcome to The On Preaching Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you to preach faithfully, clearly, and better. 

    In this episode, H.B. discusses how to read the Bible effectively in the sermon preparation process. Indeed, Bible reading is key to Christian life and growth, as well as sermon preparation. Reading the Bible is foundational to the hard work of crafting the message.

    How do you read the Bible for sermon preparation?

    Read the Bible casually. This is how I often began my sermon preparation early in the week. On Sunday evening and Monday afternoon, I casually read through the text several times to introduce myself to it.

    Read the Bible continually. Keep reading the text throughout the week. Make it a part of your devotional reading each morning. Read and reread the sermon text to get it into your heart and mind.

    Read the Bible committedly. The Lord does not give spiritual insight for entertainment purposes. He gives illumination to those who have a pre-commitment to obey the word of God (Psalm 119:34).

    Read the Bible carefully. Proper Bible interpretation is the result of careful reading. Read the text with great care, seeking to understand what the author is saying and doing in the biblical passage.

    Read the Bible correctly. Hermeneutics is the principles and process of Bible interpretation. It means that there are rules to properly understanding scripture. Learn the rules and practice them.

    Read the Bible contextually. A text without a context is a pretext. Read the text to discover the literary genre and context of the passage. Seek so see how the text fits in the flow of the passage.

    Read the Bible Christocentrically. The Bible is one grand story that centers, continues, and climaxes in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read to find how the text points to Christ.

    BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Why Johnny Can’t Preach by T. David Gordon


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      H.B. Charles Jr.

      Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.