#083: Getting Healthy Feeding on Your Preaching [PODCAST]

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  • #083: Getting Healthy Feeding on Your Preaching [PODCAST]

    Welcome to The On Preaching Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you preach faithfully, clearly, and better.

    In this episode, I want to talk to you about how to get healthy freedback on your preaching.

    Each week, I talk to someone about my sermon before I preach. And I talk to someone about if after I preach. I believe growing preachings seek healthy feedback. But how can you get feedback on your preaching?

    Here are ten ways to get healthy feedback on your preaching. 

    1. Read your manuscript to team members.
    2. Greet members after services.
    3. Seek feedfack from others.
    4. Share your sermon notes or manuscripts.
    5. Start conversations about the sermon.
    6. Participate in a worship review.
    7. Ask your wife for feeback.
    8. Discuss the sermon with preaching friends.
    9. Listen or watch your sermon.
    10. Pray.


    What do you do to get healthy feedback on your preaching? 


    Growing preachers seek healthy feeback. – H.B. Charles Jr.


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    An Invitation to Cutting It Straight 2019


    The Cutting It Straight Expository Preaching Conference will take place September 17-19, 2019 at the Shiloh Church in Jacksonville, Florida. This conference is dedicated to training, promoting, and modeling biblical preaching and teaching. There will be tracks for preaching, Christian education, Pastors’ Wives, Women’s Ministries, and Worship and Arts. Register today!



    If you have an idea for a podcast episode, a question to ask, or any feedback from what you have heard or read in this episode, leave a message in the comments section.

    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.