#072: What Expository Preaching Is NOT [PODCAST]

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  • #072: What Expository Preaching Is NOT [PODCAST]

    Welcome to The On Preaching Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you preach faithfully, clearly, and better. 

    In this episode, I want to talk to you about what expository preaching is not. Many preachers reject expository preaching, without really knowing what it is. Others seek to practice it, without really knowing what it is. But you should not react to a caricature of expository preaching. And you should learn a craft before you try to practice it.

    Here are fifteen myths about expository preaching to help the preacher rightly understand and faithfully practice expository preaching.

    1. Expository preaching is not whatever someone calls expository preaching.
    2. Expository preaching is not merely drawing ideas from the text.
    3. Expository preaching is not a theological lecture.
    4. Expository preaching is not pulpit exegesis.
    5. Expository preaching is not a running commentary on the text.
    6. Expository preaching is not textual preaching.
    7. Expository preaching is not selective exposition in the text.
    8. Expository preaching is not always historical-redemptive preaching.
    9. Expository preaching is not a homiletical survey of the text.
    10. Expository preaching is not about the length of the sermon text.
    11. Expository preaching is not about how many points the sermon outline has.
    12. Expository preaching is not a pretext for predetermined convictions.
    13. Expository preaching is not necessarily consecutive exposition.
    14. Expository preaching is not truth divorced from life.
    15. Expository preaching is not boring preaching.


    READ: What Expository Preaching Is NOT



    • What is your understanding of expository preaching?
    • What would you add to this list of what expository preaching is not?




    The pulpit is the herald’s platform, not the professor’s classroom. We are called to preach the Word, not review the syllabus. – H.B. Charles Jr.



    The Cutting It Straight Expository Preaching Conference will take place September 19-21, 2019 at the Shiloh Church in Jacksonville, Florida. This conference is dedicated to training, promoting, and modeling biblical preaching and teaching. There will be tracks for preaching, Christian education, Pastors’ Wives, Women’s Ministries, and Worship and Arts. Register today! 


    If you have an idea for a podcast episode, a question to ask, or any feedback from what you have heard or read in this episode, leave a message in the comments section.

    H.B. Charles Jr.

    Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida.